
Edgedancer pdf book
Edgedancer pdf book

E'dgedancer offers a lightweight and generic execution environment by utilising WebAssembly, which features an efficient, easy to transfer bytecode format. present E'dgedancer, a platform that offers infrastructure support for portable, provider-independent, and secure migration of edge services. Third, using geo-distributed edge resources of various providers demands for security measures to ensure service integrity and confidentiality. Second, migration of edge services needs to be lightweight to make relocation transparent to users.

edgedancer pdf book

Mobile edge computing addresses this demand, however, we identified three open challenges: First, edge computing facilities are sparse so far and achieving good connectivity requires a seamless transfer of workloads between different edge providers. In these scenarios mobile users are often the norm, and services need to follow their users to continuously ensure the benefits of edge computing. It targets applications where low latency is key, such as cloud-based gaming, augmented reality, and connected cars. Edge computing brings services and data closer to their users.

Edgedancer pdf book